OLL - Our Lady of Lourdes
OLL stands for Our Lady of Lourdes
Here you will find, what does OLL stand for in Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Our Lady of Lourdes? Our Lady of Lourdes can be abbreviated as OLL What does OLL stand for? OLL stands for Our Lady of Lourdes. What does Our Lady of Lourdes mean?Our Lady of Lourdes is an expansion of OLL
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Alternative definitions of OLL
- On- Line Learning
- Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Holland, Michigan
- Outdoor Leadership Laboratory
- Ohio Legislature...Live!
- Osha Liang LLP
- Omega Laboratories Limited
View 33 other definitions of OLL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OYC Own Your Company
- OCS Odyssey Charter School
- OCRM Orange County Rescue Mission
- OBEM On Board Experiential Marketing
- OIEG Oxford International Education Group
- OPS Oxford Public Schools
- OCOM Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
- OPL Omaha Public Library
- OGT Oak Grove Technologies
- OHH Oak Hill Hospital
- OCS Orbit Communication Systems
- OANG Oregon Air National Guard
- OSI Open Systems Inc
- OMPL Ochre Media Pvt Ltd
- OA Organizing for Action
- OG The Oxford Group
- OMC Ohio Medical Corporation
- OKTC OK Tire Canada
- OFB Oregon Food Bank
- OGL Oceana Group Limited